The Consent Project

Cited Research:
1. O'Sullivan, L. & Rice Allgeier, E. (1998) Feigning sexual desire: Consenting to unwanted sexual activity in heterosexual dating relationships. The Journal of Sex Research, 35:3, 234-243, DOI: 10.1080/00224499809551938
2. Wasserman, J. (2019). Women’s Journey to Sexual Consent. [Unpublished Research Paper]. Department of Social Work, Rutgers University.
3. Impett, E. A., & Peplau, L. A. (2002). Why Some Women Consent to Unwanted Sex With a Dating Partner: Insights from Attachment Theory. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 26(4), 360–370.
4. Jozkowski, K. (2015) “Yes Means Yes”? Sexual Consent Policy and College Students. The Magazine of Higher Learning, 47:2, 16-23, DOI: 10.1080/00091383.2015.1004990
5. Bigler, R. S., & Tomasetto, C. (2019). Introduction to the special section on Developmental Perspectives on the Sexualization of Girls and Women. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 43(6), 479–480.
6. Bay-Cheng, L. Y., & Bruns, A. E. (2016). Yes, But: Young Women’s Views of Unwanted Sex at the Intersection of Gender and Class. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 40(4), 504–517.
Conroy, N., Krishnakumar, A. & Leone, J. (2015). Reexamining issues of conceptualization and willing consent-The hidden role of coercion in experiences of sexual acquiescence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(11), 1828-1846.
Dempster, D., Rogers, S., Pope, A. L., Snow, M., & Stoltz, K. B. (2015). Insecure Parental Attachment and Permissiveness: Risk Factors for Unwanted Sex Among Emerging Adults. The Family Journal, 23(4), 358–367.
Hust, S., Rodgers, K. & Bayly, B. (2017). Scripting sexual consent: Internalized traditional sexual scripts and sexual consent expectancies among college students. Family Relations, 66, 197-2106.
O’Sullivan, L.F., & Allgeier, E. R. (1998). Feigning sexual desire; Consenting to unwanted sexual activity in heterosexual dating relationships. Journal of Sex Research, 35(3), 234-243.
7. Jeffrey, N. K., & Barata, P. C. (2017). “He Didn’t Necessarily Force Himself Upon Me,
But . . . ”: Women’s Lived Experiences of Sexual Coercion in Intimate Relationships With Men. Violence Against Women, 23(8), 911–933.
Harned, M. (2005). Understanding women’s labeling of unwanted sexual experiences with dating partners. Violence Against Women, 11(3), 374-413.
8. Hirst, J. (2013) ‘It's got to be about enjoying yourself’: young people, sexual pleasure, and sex and relationships education. Sex Education, 13:4, 423-436, DOI: 10.1080/14681811.2012.747433
9. Landry M, Turner M, Vyas A, & Wood S. (2017) Social Media and Sexual Behavior Among Adolescents: Is there a link? JMIR Public Health Surveill, 3(2):e28
DOI: 10.2196/publichealth.7149
10. Kersey, A.J., Braham, E.J., Csumitta, K.D. et al. (2018) No intrinsic gender differences in children’s earliest numerical abilities. JMIR Public Health Surveill, Science Learn 3, 12 .
West, R. L. (2009). Law and consent. In Wertheimer A. & Miller W. (eds.), The ethics of consent: Theory and practice (pp. 221-250). Oxford Scholarship Online. SSRN: